(by Kelly Price)
There are many different types of traders and there are many different methods you can use to trade yet, all the great traders have similar character traits when it comes to Successful forex trading.
Here are some traits the great traders have and you need them to make big profits from forex trading.
1. They Rely On Themselves
They have devised a method that suits their trading personality and they apply it for profits.
They know tat success comes from within and the only person that can give you success is you.
They don’t give or seek opinions, don’t sell their, methods and are generally very private about their trading
2. They have iron discipline and confidence.
They have constructed a method that suits them and this gives them confidence in their ability. From confidence comes one of the essential traits of all great traders.
This is simply the discipline to apply the method through losing periods without deviating from their system.
To trade successfully discipline is a must. If you don’t have the discipline to apply your method you don’t have a method in the first place.
3. Perseverance and the will to succeed
Many of the great traders got wiped out several times before they made money but had the perseverance to continue and the will to succeed and get it right.
Losing all your money is not pleasant, but a necessary experience for many to eventually succeed.
4. Patience
All the great traders have patience to wait for losing periods to end and for profits to emerge and to only take signals that are consistent with their methodology.
You can’t force profits in timescales you need to be patient.
5. Money management
An essential trait of all great traders.
You will have losses and you need to ride them out – Playing great defense is as important as playing great offense.
You need to preserve your capital and keep losses small and run profits.
Most traders fail because they don’t know how to tale calculated risks when the odds are in their favor – Poor money management is one of the major reasons novice traders lose.
6. Work smart not hard
Trading is essentially simple.
If you look or read about eh great traders you will be struck by how simple their trading methodologies are.
They know that working smart not working hard is what makes a great trader.
The basics of trading can be learned by anyone however acquiring the traits of confidence and discipline to make the method work can take a little while to acquire but if you persevere you can succeed.
A couple of essential books any trader should read are Jack Shwagers excellent Market Wizards and The New Market Wizards.
These books interview some of the top traders of all time and these are essential books for any novice forex trader.
Anyone can become a successful trader as everything about trading can be learned. Apply yourself to learn the necessary skills and you will succeed.
On all aspects of becoming a profitable trader including features, downloads and some great FREE Trading PDF's visit our website at http://www.net-planet.org/index.html
If you're looking for a forex trading platform, I can highly recommend Easy Forex. They offer competitive spreads, guaranteed stop-losses if required, live training and support, and you can start trading with as little as $25.
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